About Us
Steve and Tamara have lived and worked in South Devon all their lives and have always had a passion for wildlife and the natural environment.
In 2018 an opportunity arose to purchase a few acres of local woodland, all was completed within a matter of weeks and the excited couple were proud custodians of their very own woodland where they could really give nature a helping hand!
The main part of the site had been clear-felled in 2012 with the exception of some Sweet Chestnut, Birch, Ash and Beech. In 2013 a couple of thousand Sitka Spruce were planted in amongst everything else. Given the fact that the whole site is under nine acres, there are still parts that are yet to be explored due to its density of Spruce, Sweet Chestnut, bramble and bracken.
woodland wildlife videos

A brief aerial tour of part of our woodland.

Female Broad Bodied Chaser laying eggs in our newly created ponds, with the Male patrolling the perimeter.

Our lovely Dark Bush Crickets.

An amazing Nightjar experience summer 2019.

Nightjar descends from a dead tree in front of us with the infamous wing clap.